Mailing 101

USPS offers two main categories for outgoing mail: Standard and First Class. Addressing & Mailing Services has the tools necessary to process outgoing mail in either class, as well as manage incoming Business Reply Mail pieces for University departments.

Standard Mail

Offers the lowest rates, but has more hoops to jump through.

First Class Mail

More expensive, but arrives more quickly and has fewer restrictions.

Business Reply Mail

Allow recipients to send responses with postage paid by your department.

International Mail

We offer single-piece and bulk rate international mail services.

Daily Mail Program

Sign up is free, and charges are billed back to your EFS string.

Mail Piece Design

The way that you design your outgoing mail pieces can have a big impact on both printing and mailing costs. Standard and First Class Mail pieces require different methods of preparation, and may have different design considerations to be aware of, especially if you would like to be eligible to receive presort or automation discounts.

Ready to set up a job with us?

We'll need some information from you to set up a work order for your outgoing mailing. Find out what kind of questions we'll ask at the link below. You can submit an order by phone or email.