Campus Mail

Campus Mail Policies


  • Service is available to faculty, as well as registered student groups
  • Campus Mail is to be used for official University business only
  • Solicitation of funds via Campus Mail is not allowed (exemptions: Community Fund Drive)
  • We do not open or read your Campus Mail; adherance to policy is left up to the good judgment of the University community

Redirecting Mail

We will attempt to redirect mail that is undeliverable as addressed. If the individual is no longer with the University, mail will be forwarded to the department to which it is addressed. All mail in the Campus Mail stream is assumed to be related to the business of the department, and not the individual named on the envelope. If the department receiving the mail determines that it should be forwarded elsewhere on campus, the incorrect information must be crossed off, and the forwarding information written in, before being put back into campus mail. Historical records of forwarding addresses for past employees should be kept by each individual department, as this information is not collected or stored by Addressing & Mailing Services.

When all occupants of a space relocate, a Change of Address form must be filed with both the US Postal Service and Addressing & Mailing Services. We will do our best to forward mail to the new location, however, there could still be mail that needs to be forwarded from your old location. See Relocating below for a list of things to do when changing office locations.

Bulk Mailings

  • Bulk campus mailings of 50 or more pieces must be sorted and banded by building, or be in delivery code order
  • All pieces should be "faced" (facing the same direction)
  • Use complete campus addresses on all pieces: name, department, building, room number, and delivery code (or Mayo mail code)
  • Include a note with contact name and return address for pieces that are undeliverable
  • For large mailings that may require a pickup separate from your regular Campus Mail pickup, please contact U Market Services to request courier service
  • Bulk mailings that do not follow the above requirements are subject to delays in distribution and/or sorting charges being assessed to your department


When a department changes office locations, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Submit a Campus Mail Move/Change of Service Request
  • Update staff listings in PeopleSoft HRMS database (this is done by your department's HR or Payroll staff)
  • Submit a USPS Change of Address Form
  • Make arrangements with a department remaining in your old building to forward any misdelivered mail
  • Notify vendors and other external contacts of your new address
  • Notify on-campus contacts of your new address

When an indvidual person changes office locations, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Update staff listings in PeopleSoft HRMS database (this is done by your department's HR or Payroll staff)
  • Make arrangements with staff in your previous location to forward any misdelivered mail
  • Notify vendors and other external contacts of your new address
  • Notify on-campus contacts of your new address